
Friday, June 1, 2012

Valentine’s Day Proposals

Valentine’s Day Proposals
Chinese Man ♥ Who Proposes♥ to His Girlfriend Last Valentine 2012 ♥..!! with a Dress Made of 9,999 Real Red Roses ♥Puts All Valentine’s Day Proposals to Shame !!!!!


As they Preach :- 9,999 is a special number to the Chinese because it represents “forever” in their culture.
Of course there are plenty of grand, over-the-top and expensive marriage proposals but for us dress lovers here at Your Next Dress, this one right here makes it to the top of the list.

On Valentine’s Day , Xiao Fan got down on one knee and asked for the hand in marriage of his girlfriend Yin Mi. But instead of a romantic dinner, the ring in the wine glass or a (measly) bouquet of flowers, Mr. Fan took into consideration his girlfriend’s love of fashion and had this dress made of 9,999 red roses sewn just for her:♥

Valentine’s Day Proposals
Those red roses look real and dressmakers had to work round the clock to have the dress fresh and ready for D-Day. Obviously, this takes the element of surprise out of the marriage proposal for Yin Mi but considering that she got a custom-tailored dress made out of 9,999 real freakin’ red roses♥, that isn’t such a bad trade-off.
The whole proposal which took place at Chime-Long Paradise amusement park in Guangdong was also probably pre-announced to the media but if He spent money on a dress like this,♥♥ the press WAS there to commemorate the occasion ..........and immortalize the dress. After all, it’s not like you can hang this dress in your closet after wearing it. Yin Mi’s going to need pictures of her red roses dress and she’s going to need LOTS of it!
Interestingly enough, this isn’t the first time a dress with 9,999 red roses was made. In August 2009, Chinese bride Lin Rong got married in a wedding gown with 9,999 silk red roses sewn onto its 1.4 mile-long train:

This insanely long train was made in hope of getting into the Guinness Book of World Records but it was quickly broken in December 2009 by a 1.546 mile-long wedding dress made by Lichel van den Ende from the Netherlands.

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